Realtors can’t do Homework
Is there a high crime rate in this neighborhood? Are people friendly in this neighborhood? How far is it to the nearest grocery store?
As a realtor, there’s a lot of information and resources I can share to help inform your decision on purchasing a house. Many of the questions you might have are about what’s important to you. Is life “better“ in Walla Walla than Seattle or Portland? It’s entirely someone’s opinion, as there are pros and cons to every place. For some people, a fifteen minute drive to the nearest grocery store might be a long distance whereas for others it might mean they would prefer a more remote location.
When considering making a move, I recommend buyers do their homework. Drive the area and if possible, get out and walk around too. Do you see people outside interacting on a weekend afternoon? Are houses decorated for holiday celebrations? Is there a lot of unexpected noise from traffic or businesses? Are there sidewalks that make it easy to get around on foot, and is that important to you? Only you as a buyer can determine the questions and answers that matter to you in choosing a location for your next house.